If you change address or any other part of your personal details at any time, you must immediately amend them on your dashboard under the Edit Registration button.
FAQs General
What services does the 3CF platform provide to users?
3circlefunding provides an alternative social funding channel that facilitates the intermediation of Crowdlending and Crowdfactoring loans (often called peer-to-peer loans) together with Crowdfunding Campaigns that all look to secure capital.
- Crowdlending – Loans for Individuals and Businesses (interest only available).
- Crowdfactoring – Loans for short-term liquidity Businesses Loans.
- Crowdfunding – Campaigns where contribution and consumption go ‘hand-in-hand’.
- Secondary Market – Lenders can buy and sell Loan Parts (available for both, Crowdlending and Invoice Outlet).
- Autoinvest – Lenders can set up an automatic investment profile to fund loans.
Is the 3CF platform scrutinized and authorised by FINMA (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority)?
Yes. As so, delegated to PolyReg General Self-Regulatory Organisation.
Persons or legal entities with legal domicile within Switzerland and acting as financial intermediaries have to be regulated by law. They may join one of the self-regulating bodies or apply for a permit to the Money Laundering Control Authority.
PolyReg is a self-regulatory body recognised by the Swiss Federal Money Laundering Control Authority. It is established according to Article 24 of the Swiss Money laundering act (MLA) and acts as regulatory and supervising Organisation for its members.
PolyReg is incorporated as an association and is listed in the register of commerce of the Canton of Zurich. Being independent of all trade organisations PolyReg accepts financial intermediaries from all fields of business.
Is 3CF licensed under the KKG (Consumer Credit Act)?
No, there is no requirement for this, as 3CF do not provide credit as a company itself.
How do I change my password?
For both, click the Change Password on the user dashboard.
What services does 3CF provide for Crowdlending (social lending)?
- Provide an internet platform that matches borrowers and lenders.
- Identification of all members.
- Credit checks of all borrowers (and debtors for Crowdfactoring Loans).
- Indicative rating for all loan requests (and debtors for Crowdfactoring Loans).
- Preparation and creation of contracts (electronic sign, date and exchange of contracts).
- Receipt, collection and distribution of loan repayments to lenders.
- Manage repayment schedules, reminders and initiate debt collection when necessary.
How safe is the 3CF platform?
To ensure safe and secure transmission of registered members’ data on the platform, 3circlefunding GmbH uses SSL 256bit (Secure Sockets Layer) security technology for establishing an encrypted link between the web server and browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral.
What happens to the private and personal information that I provide to 3CF?
Personal and confidential information will never be published on the 3CF platform without your agreement on the application forms. Personal details and documents will be kept securely for legal reasons and no data is stored on servers outside Switzerland. 3circlefunding GmbH uses Green Datacenter AG for these services.
Who can use the 3CF platform?
The use of the platform is restricted to registered members – individuals and businesses with residency and domicile in Switzerland.
How safe is my money on the 3CF platform?
All transfers on the 3CF platform are credited to a so-called ‘escrow account’ at PostFinance Bank. 3CF only receives service fees from this escrow account and these are placed in a separate 3CF business account.
Who bears the risk if there is a default on loan repayments or perks are not delivered?
All associated provision of funds for loans or donations is the responsibility of the members that provide them. 3CF is not responsible for members’ investments or campaigns not coming to fruition and the delivery of perks.
Why does 3CF only accept bank transfers?
Inland Swiss bank transfers made with IBAN attract no fees.
Can I change my personal details?
Yes, personal details can be changed on the respective member’s dashboard under Edit Registration. 3CF will review all changes on your dashboard, which will be locked until all amendments have been authorised.
What do I do if my personal details (address, phone, e-mail) change?
What is an escrow account?
Escrow is a legal concept in which funds are held by a third party on behalf of two parties that are in the process of completing instructions or until predetermined contractual obligations have been fulfilled.
Last updated: 2018-06-21